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L3Harris, the main contractor for technology and defense, won A $ 3.3 billion contract to provide Army with radio stations and related communication services.
The contract was awarded on Thursday and the work will last five years, according to Department of Defense. L3Harris was the only company to bid for the contract, which was awarded by the U.S. Army Command in Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The army’s radio network is one of its main means of field communication, and the service is multi-year. modernization initiative.
The company’s website lists a number of radio stations and related technologies it offers, although it is not clear which specific radio system the army buys under this contract. The army is pursuing software defined radio stations and new technologies for manipulating radio waves to communicate.
“In connection with tried and true inherited waveforms, soldiers need newer, commercially available waveforms that provide multiple communication paths and a backup plan in case their waveform becomes compromised,” Lt. Col. Raymond said. product manager in the tactical army radio office said in 2020 Declaration on Radio Testing.