Security and artificial intelligence are two of the best technological capabilities needed to fully integrate networks for the U.S. Navy, including the Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps, according to experts working in a panel during West 2021 virtual conference.
The panel included Counter-Administrator David Dermanelyan, USCG, Assistant Commander, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology; Jennifer Edgin, Assistant Deputy Commander for Marine Information; and Vice Admin Jeffrey Trasler, USN, deputy chief of naval information warfare operations and director of naval intelligence.
Asked what changes need to take place to provide the networking capability needed for a major conflict with an equal or close adversary, the experts agreed that security is a top priority along with artificial intelligence (AI).
They stressed that security must be a priority from the outset, as the system is designed, not an add-on, once the system is built. “It used to be that security was baked in the end. It is now designed at the front so that a quick assessment of the security stance can be made [can occur], both for the things we are deploying and for the overall monitoring of our network, ”Eugene suggested
This type of security is provided by cloud computing and development and protection operations known as DevSecOps, Eugene said, explaining that she would like to see a “DevSecOps pipeline” and “the ability to take a Marine with a really great idea and marry them.” have the capabilities to deploy an application. “
“In this way, we can use our infrastructure to really optimize for the mission. Again, security and DevSecOps, of course, go hand in hand, ”she said.
Jennifer Edgin, Assistant Deputy Commander for Information, USMC, for the collaborating agencies: It’s 2021 and friends no longer allow friends to do it alone.# ЗАПАД2021
– George Seffers (pronounced See skins) (@gseffers) June 30, 2021
She also cites artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. “Our vision is for a corporate network, the ability to optimize based on seamlessly accessible transport pipelines, the use of automated tool kits – again in the field of AI you can optimize your mission with your technology. This is very important for us ahead. “
Administrator Trussler agreed on the need for security at the beginning of the development cycle. “I think everyone will always repeat the security among our networks, built from the beginning for cyber threats and the resilience of these networks to work in these DDIL [denied, degraded, intermittent and limited bandwidth] environment, “he said.
He also agreed with the importance of DevSecOps and cited the need for communications as a service and software-defined communications. “Some of this will be activated as we continue to develop and enable artificial intelligence and machine learning to use this on the edge. To allow some of this work, which at the moment, frankly, requires a person to touch everything, we can be pre-programmed, we have at our disposal to manage the data from the sensor, these tactical connections and the communications that need to go back and forth.
Administrator Dermanelian cites the need for zero security of trust to enable communication in a strict environment such as the two polar regions. “There are many documented omissions in the Arctic. I would argue on both poles. Getting above 65 degrees north or south, it’s a challenge, “he said. “Having the ability to have more modern capabilities is crucial. “If our nation goes to war, we will continue to rely on trade networks, so the idea of zero trust really matters,” he added.
VADM Jeffrey Trasler, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval Information Warfare Operations and Director of Naval Intelligence: We are currently quite interoperable. We are not as bad as we are sometimes accused of.# ЗАПАД2021
– George Seffers (pronounced See skins) (@gseffers) June 30, 2021
The Vice Admiral agreed with his colleagues that security should be considered at the very beginning of the acquisition cycle. “We will use this and bake it through our language of negotiation, through our systems, and yes, software-defined radio stations will be absolutely critical.”
RADM David Dermanelyan, USCG, Assistant Commandant, Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology: The Idea for #ZeroTrust it really matters.# ЗАПАД2021
– George Seffers (pronounced See skins) (@gseffers) June 30, 2021
The industry must adopt such security principles, said Adm. Dermanelyan. “Zero confidence, the same principle applies to the supply chain. Let’s accept a compromise. I strongly believe in the American engineer and the defense industry base. We just have to make it a requirement and enforce it, “he said.