Western Cape Premier Winde reports to Refilwe Moloto the latest confirmed information about the unrest affecting the province
- The shared message that there is a threat for seven malls in Cape Town is not true, says Prime Minister Alan Winde
- Winde asks the Captains to send information for inspection instead of disseminating it

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This message especially drove me crazy last night. I think there are seven malls on this list. In fact, it was sent for verification and the copy sent for verification was distributed. It was shared in school groups, I mean, it really kept me awake all night, just one message.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
Winde says it was quiet on Wednesday night, but there were several incidents during the night that were not related to robberies.
There was a protest in Capricorn Park, we burned two buses, one bus was stoned and set on fire, which we quickly put out in Beaufort West.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
The message from this morning from the SAPS team was quiet last night.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
He said SAPS in the Western Cape had moved from a two-hour to a four-hour system since Monday. All days off were canceled, increasing the number of staff added to the metro police and municipal law enforcement agencies in all cities in the province.
This is also related to private security assistance, he noted.
What I’m really grateful for are all the neighborhood clocks – people who are there at night when they set foot on these wet nights.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
We are on heightened vigilance and vigilance throughout the province.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
It is also run by the Western Cape cabinet and has an expanded cabinet created through the management of Covid-19, which includes all areas in the province.
At yesterday’s meeting I included every mayor, every municipal manager in this cabinet meeting.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
All structures, from the government to law enforcement, are coordinated and “so good so far,” he said.
Fake news sometimes sends us into a wild goose.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
Prime Minister Winde reiterated that the message shared on social media about threats to 7 malls in the Cape was not true. He begged the Capetonians to send information for inspection as soon as possible before disseminating it.
I understand that people are nervous and send these things around. We send them for inspection and, of course, if it is more urgent, we have them.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape
Instead of distributing something, but rather, if you see it for yourself, then please notify the authorities.
Prime Minister Alan Winde – Western Cape