MONTREAL,, June 23, 2021 / PRNewswire / – I’m coming in, a leader in performance analysis and end-user experience solutions, announced today that it is working with VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW) to provide real-time decision-making and intelligence solutions to communication service providers (CSPs) so that they can provide the appropriate quality of experience (QoE) for different applications. As a VMware Ready partner for Telco Cloud, Accedian’s Skylight performance analysis solution can be used in conjunction with the VMware Telco Cloud Platform. This solution will enable CSPs to build a reliable and highly efficient RAN and end infrastructure to support new broadband-oriented application loads that require low latency and secure communications.
Richard Piasentin, Accedian’s Chief Strategic Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, said: “Using Accedian Skylight with the VMware Telco Cloud Platform, CSP will be able to deploy its own cloud-based, software-defined 5G network, accelerating service and application delivery in distributed telecommunications clouds. integrated life cycle management and multi-layer automation, while maintaining carrier performance, scalability and reliability. ”
CSPs around the world rely on the VMware Telco Cloud Platform to deploy and manage virtualized and containerized network features in their 5G networks. The CSP client can use Accedian Skylight to obtain both continuous and on-demand core measurements to the RAN and to provide a QoE guarantee in all control plane silos. This is a critical component for data portability and interoperability on a hyper scale as it passes through a disaggregated RAN infrastructure.
“RAN virtualization and disaggregation is only the first step in the modernization journey. Automation and analytics need to be layered on top to improve service-level efficiency and performance with a focus on improving the quality of experience as CSPs deliver 5G services.” he said Stephen Spellis, Vice President of Product Marketing and Solutions, Service Provider and Edge, VMware. “Our ongoing partnership with Accedian aims to improve our Telco Cloud platform to provide customers with productivity visibility, intelligence and security capabilities.”
The interoperability of Accedian Skylight and VMware Telco Cloud Platform will enable CSP to:
- Maximize their RAN investment with faster and easier service deployment
- Have more confidence to provide QoE confidence to RAN
- Maximize revenue for next-generation services that run on upgraded disaggregated RAN architectures.
Running on the VMware Telco Cloud Platform, the installation of Accedian Skylight components is easy to organize, tests are easy to provide, smart context analysis is easy to perform, and dashboards are insightful and easy to consume.
“The transformation of CSP requires a cloud home network that will increase flexibility and efficiency, allowing operators to more quickly deploy services in new verticals, stimulate service expansion, offer upgrades and provide secure classes of services, all of which must stimulate revenue growth, “he added James Crowshaw, Chief Analyst at Omdia. “The first automated network in the cloud should simplify management and operations, leading to lower operating costs. To provide services for the first time and provide them in real time, from the customer’s point of view, the network also needs detailed quality of experience (QoE) information. “
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James Kim, SourceCode Communications
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